
RCG Salesforce x Salesfive Event

von RCG Salesforce x Salesfive Event Spendenaktion


0,00 €


100,00 €



Aktion läuft bis:

noch 2 Monate (31.12.2024)

Hello everyone,

On the occasion of our joint RCG event, we have come up with a special initiative: Together with you, we want to make an important contribution to fostering global justice!

Worldwide, 771 million people do not have access to clean drinking water. That’s almost 10 times the population of Germany. Additionally, one in four people globally has no access to a toilet. Diarrheal diseases caused by contaminated water, lack of latrines, and poor hygiene are among the leading causes of death for children under the age of five.

This foundation is tackling this significant issue: It supports the construction of wells and sanitation facilities for schools and communities in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene – in short, WASH – is the foundation for children to attend school regularly. Through education, children gain the sustainable opportunity to lead a self-determined life – creating a real future perspective.

Together, we can make a meaningful difference! If you would like to support us in this fundraising campaign, we would greatly appreciate any amount and your involvement! Your donation will be 100% directed to the on-site projects by the foundation. Foundation founder Neven Subotic and other partners privately cover all administrative costs.

Thank you very much!

Your Salesfive team

RCG Salesforce x Salesfive Event
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